Violence: ideality and cruelty

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Section: Bosquejos para una nueva episteme


The author investigates on the relations among violence, ideality and cruelty, examining its paradoxes and ambivalences, illuminating the complex link between the desire of eliminating violence, in the face of needing violent actions in the pursuit of utopia and in the presence of violence exercised by institutions, communities and the State.  He confronts the relation between power and violence, and asks himself:  can you eliminate violence and not to the violent?, concluding that violence zero degree in the pursuit of ideals cannot exist.  

Article Details

Étienne Balibar

Author Biography

Étienne Balibar

Profesor emérito de la Universidad de Paris X-Nanterre y profesor de la University of California en Irvine.

Balibar, Étienne. (2018). Violence: ideality and cruelty. Polis (Santiago), (19).


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