Effective love as an alternative for democratic resistance to neoliberal violence

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The purpose of this article is to make a categorical analysis of the discourses and practices of the neoliberal model and its consequences on human dignity, through a critical interpretation of the documents of the Washington Consensus and the 2017 OXFAM report, mainly. From this analysis, effective love is presented as a political ethical proposal passed on by the sociologist Camilo Torres Restrepo, as an option of resistance to the implications of neoliberal policies in the Latin American context, from a decolonized approach that understands the territory as a historical cultural construction.

Article Details

Carlos Perea Sandoval
Tania Meneses Cabrera
Perea Sandoval, C., & Meneses Cabrera, T. (2018). Effective love as an alternative for democratic resistance to neoliberal violence. Polis (Santiago), 16(46). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2017-N46-1236


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