Local development at human scale: experiences of community development in the health sector. Chile

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Local development is a controversial issue because of the limitations that surround it. On the one hand, the destructive globalization and economic growth not related to ethics. On the other hand, the lack of local autonomy and relationship between the community and the development projects of the country as a whole. These tensions invite to cross borders and to think local development at a human scale, as orientation model, as seed to another glance towards human development. In this article it is shown how local development can be made possible trough social participation, by analyzing seven Chilean experiences in the thematic of municipal health.

Article Details

Andrea Peroni
Peroni, A. (2018). Local development at human scale: experiences of community development in the health sector. Chile. Polis (Santiago), 8(22). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2009-N22-624


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