Finances and international currency at the service of  human Being. A proposal from utopia

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The article provides an interpretation of the current financial crisis as part of an economic crisis that has a series of  synchronized facets, -apart from the financial, in environmental,  energy, food, eventual- preludes of a deep one and prolonged civilizatory crisis.  Arguments the necessity not to reduce attention only to the current themes and to design a strategy that will permit to establish the structural bases for change, taking advantage of the current difficulties and the relative weaknesses of the world centers of power.  It presents three proposals that aim toward the construction of a new and better international economic system, pillars on which a new world monetary and financial system can start its design: an International Financial Code; a World Central Bank, and an International Court of Arbitration of Sovereign Debt.  It also proposses the need to rethink integrally the World Organization of Commerce (OMC), as well as the creation of a World Organization for Environment and Climatic Change and to move ahead towards a Universal Statement of the Rights of Nature, just as Ecuador’s Constituent Assembly did.  The object of this strategy that is barely outlined, is the Good Life of the people.  

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Alberto Acosta
Acosta, A. (2018). Finances and international currency at the service of  human Being. A proposal from utopia. Polis (Santiago), 8(22).


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