Social capital today

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In this work, literature on social capital is analyzed critically, with emphasis on the current situation of the subject.  In the first part the concept is presented, some antecedents related to the theoretical context in which it arose and the most important moments of the subsequent discussion are indicated.  Here it is also enunciated the thesis of the work, which states that part of the existing confusion and conceptual indeterminacy drifts from the way the perspective was initially established.  Subsequently the strategies to delimit the theoretical and application field of social capital are analyzed critically, the basic components at the level of indicators are presented and the most important elaborations that characterized its development are summarized.  In the final part, a summary and some general considerations on the subject are given.

Article Details

Óscar Cuéllar Saavedra
Gardy  Augusto Bolívar Espinoza
Cuéllar Saavedra, Óscar, & Bolívar Espinoza, G. A. (2018). Social capital today. Polis (Santiago), 8(22).


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