Against us? the conscience of species and the rise of a new political philosophy

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Humanity has begun to be perceive itself as a species that would be able to face extinction, and if that will be or not be our  future will be defined by the conscious or the insane.  It is argued that the main illusion of human being is to keep on believing that we are intelligent beings, when in reality we have been attempting against our own sources of survival.  The author asks:  Is there not a deep and unequivocal gap between the human being who is provided with species conscience and the one who is not?  Does it not seem that actually two different speciesare procreated inside a same biological guild?  The article moves ahead stating that an optimistic possibility of future could stand on the conscience of species, a politics which should be a “pact for life” and a planetary ethics for survival.  

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Víctor  M. Toledo
Toledo,V. M. (2018). Against us? the conscience of species and the rise of a new political philosophy. Polis (Santiago), 8(22).


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