Work, free time and leisure in contemporary society. Contradictions and challenges

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Since late 19th century, historically constructed social relations among work, free time and leisure have stimulated some authors’s studies and reflections, while investigations and researches were intensified along the 20th century, demonstrating that the matter has a great complexity and dynamism. Thus, this article aims to understand some dimensions of lwork, free time and leisure in contemporary thought, highlighting some of the contradictions and challenges found in our society. To contextualise this discussion, the text begins with a rereading of several writers who analyze the work category. Then, it challenges the thesis that free time has gradually expanded, proposes to rethink the centrality of work in today’s society and the role of leisure in our social life. These discussions are considered important for understanding the relationships between work, free time and leisure in our context, especially in present Latin American societies.

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Christianne Gomes
Rodrigo Elizalde
Gomes, C., & Elizalde, R. (2018). Work, free time and leisure in contemporary society. Contradictions and challenges. Polis (Santiago), 8(22).


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