Hip-hop, leisure and citizenship in the city suburbs

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This study analyzes the organizational process of a hip-hop group, based on the analysis the meaning of leisure for its participants, in the search for a new perspective of social insertion. It was made by the combination of bibliographical, documental, and field research. We used the method of study-case, in the Organização dos Novos Quilombos (ONQUI), hip-hop “posse”, having the participant observation as its main technique for data collection. Amongst the results it is possible to affirm that leisure carried out through the activities related to the hip-hop movement contributes to the quest for citizenship of the people in the city suburbs. Based on the realization and mobilization in cultural activities linked to hip-hop, organizations such as ONQUI carry out social public policies, in a non-governmental fashion, actions that are the fruit of formal and informal processes of Associationalism, understood as a counterpoint, an answer to the actions of the municipal district´s public power.

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Edmur  Antonio Stoppa
Nelson Carvalho Marcellino
Stoppa, E. A., & Carvalho Marcellino, N. (2018). Hip-hop, leisure and citizenship in the city suburbs. Polis (Santiago), 8(22). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2009-N22-634


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