Revisualizing the rural scenario from a multidisciplinary perspective

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The authors present a new approach which seeks the integration of  natural sciences with human and social sciences.  They emphasize the rise of the hybrid disciplines and the new epistemologic and methodological proposals, exposing particularly the rise of environmental sociology and the subject of rural scenario as empirical reference.  They analyze the metabolism between society and nature, relieving the appropriation of nature as axis of the rural scenario showing its multidimensional character.  They conclude the necessity of studying the rural scenario from a multidisciplinary perspective indicating that the present crisis of the modern world which is related to the infringement of the biophysical limits of the planet.  

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Víctor  M. Toledo
Pablo Alarcón-Cháires
Lourdes Barón
Toledo, V. M., Alarcón-Cháires, P., & Barón, L. (2018). Revisualizing the rural scenario from a multidisciplinary perspective. Polis (Santiago), 8(22).


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