Leave crude oil in the ground or the search for paradise lost. Elements for a political and economic proposal to the Initiative of non exploitation of crude oil of the ITT

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The document presents the Ecuadorian proposal as a viable public policy from both national and international perspectives. It discusses the reasons why this initiative should not be tied to the carbon market, and proposes premises in order to pursue political agreements that will have their key moment the meeting for the Convention on Climate Change in Copenhagen. The document suggests several potential political and economic conditions in order to structure a solidarity fund to make the viable the initiative of non-exploitation of crude oil in Yasuni National Park. It stands out that the proposal has already received the backing of the German Parliament, and that it is on the agenda of several governments and parliaments at international level.

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Alberto Acosta
Eduardo Gudynas
Esperanza Martínez
Joseph Vogel
Acosta, A., Gudynas, E., Martínez, E., & Vogel, J. (2018). Leave crude oil in the ground or the search for paradise lost. Elements for a political and economic proposal to the Initiative of non exploitation of crude oil of the ITT. Polis (Santiago), 8(23). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2009-N23-661


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