Overtime of Labor in Chile 2003: An explorer model

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In this work we identify some factors that affect labor time in the Chilean workers in 2003. We conclude that labor precarity is import to explicate over time and under standard time. It suggests what underemployment and over-time are manifestations of the same phenomena, and then new measure to make more flexible labor would aggravate those problems. Also, we show a negative relation between wage and hours to 80% of workers because basics needs are unsatisfied, refuting  the positive curve of labor supply of textbooks. Its relations are confirmed in our exploratory model adding control variables of regional, demographic and productive type.     

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Jan Cademartori
Daniel Cáceres
Alfredo Vásquez
Cademartori, J., Cáceres, D., & Vásquez, A. (2018). Overtime of Labor in Chile 2003: An explorer model. Polis (Santiago), 8(24). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2009-N24-68


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