Subcontracting in chilean mining: theoretical elements for analysis

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Strikes carried out in recent years by subcontracted workers of the great mining reveal that the out-sourcing law has not fulfilled the objective of decreasing the conflict between subcontracted workers, subcontractors and large mining companies. This article analyzes the outsourcing in the mining in Chile, giving theoretical and empirical antecedents that allow explaining such conflicts. From a sociological point of view, refers to the loss of centrality of wage labor and subsequent growth of atypical employment. The available information points out on the other hand a high workers percentage in out-sourcing regime in the mining. It is concluded that in some situations is presented a disguised employment relationships, which lead to the creation of workers first and second class. Subcontracted workers assert that they should have same rights and privileges that his contracted pairs, because they carry out exactly the same type of work.

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Sandra Leiva Gómez
Leiva Gómez, S. (2018). Subcontracting in chilean mining: theoretical elements for analysis. Polis (Santiago), 8(24).


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