“Caudillista” democracy and social demobilizations in Ecuador

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The conflicts and vindications of the social movements, with politically representation, during the democratic transition of the 80’s, enter crisis with the model of accumulation and concentration of wealth, inaugurated by the neoliberal domination during the 90’s, giving rise to the cycle to the protest mobilizations, that aggravate the crisis of all the system of political representation (elections, parties, congress), which degenerates in a new phenomenon: the political representativism.  The imperative of “governability” of the protest, the accumulation and concentration of executive power, for a better economic government of politics, reinforced the powers of  hiperpresidencialism and the formation of a “caudillista” democracy, that in Ecuador adopted a counter-neoliberal orientation.

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José Sánchez Parga
Sánchez Parga, J. (2018). “Caudillista” democracy and social demobilizations in Ecuador. Polis (Santiago), 8(24). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2009-N24-86


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