The new mapuche movement: towards the (re)construction of the mapuche world and country

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The main objective of the present essay is to analyse the concept and praxis of Mapuche World and Mapuche country which, one could argue, constitute a synthesis of both, the demand and set of proposals of a significant part of the autonomous Mapuche movement. This implies a qualitative modification of the structuring of the movement’s analytical frames which has resulted in the incipient articulation of a Mapuche view of reality that transcends the social and political dimensions of the movement, to install itself as a more structural type of element. It is no longer the confrontation of two different identities, but also of two projects of society, two countries, two people encapsulated in the same geographical territory, but being culturally distinct.

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Tito Tricot
Tricot, T. (2018). The new mapuche movement: towards the (re)construction of the mapuche world and country. Polis (Santiago), 8(24).


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