Epistemological keys to approach the investigation in the realm of social communication

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Section: Propuestas y avances de investigación


The new philosophy of sciences and in individual the critical rationalism has developed in second half of century XX, an epistemologic speech of great relevance with respect to the programs and specific projects of investigation in the ample scope of social sciences. From this contribution, we propose a set of considerations of theoretical and methodologic character for the formal analysis of the communication taking into account the fundamental aspects on which east type of knowledge production articulates. The epistemological, theoretical and methodologic proposal implied represents a displacement from the positivism canon towards a theory of the emergent knowledge whose interest is centered in an complete knowledge in which they are recognized the greater amount of factors than participates in the cognitive processes.

Article Details

Jorge Brower Beltramin
Brower Beltramin, J. (2018). Epistemological keys to approach the investigation in the realm of social communication. Polis (Santiago), 8(24). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2009-N24-98


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