Sustainability on double timing

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Section: Propuestas y avances de investigación


This paper reviews facts and documents of world organisms that formed the discourse of sustainable development. It also, describes how sustainable development comes from two different readings or concepts, from very different impacts on society and planet: one built from the concepts of developed and another that builds an alternative discourse that takes into account the social representations and modes of production of the communities where natural resources are. The two languages are born from ideas that promote the continuation of different worlds: one, under the laws of the market and another that retrieves the (re) creation of the times and cultural and ecological niches. Also, under this second conception, briefly recounts an experience that has had a peasant organization of a “tunera” village of Puebla, Pue. and linked to an institute of higher education in Mexico.

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María Evelinda Santiago Jiménez
Santiago Jiménez, M. E. (2018). Sustainability on double timing. Polis (Santiago), 8(24).


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