Leisure and recreation in Latin America: concepts, approaches and possibilities of resignificance

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This article was compiled from a bibliographic review and aims to: analyze what a concept is; present the two main approaches by which leisure and recreation are understood in Latin America, expanding thus the possibilities for new meanings to these concepts; and discuss the alternatives that these concepts -from a new perspective- can provide to the construction of participative, solidary and sustainable societies. In conclusion, it's emphasized that most of the concepts of leisure and recreation widespread in Latin America , were formulated in other contexts, showing to be insufficient and inappropriate to the problems, contradictions and potentialities of this region. That is why they need new approaches and resignificances. Understanding leisure as a dimension of culture outlines the need to promote a critical/creative education by and for a non-hegemonic leisure, which rescues and appreciates cultural diversity as one of the key elements for social transformation.

Article Details

Rodrigo Elizalde
Christianne Gomes
Elizalde, R., & Gomes, C. (2018). Leisure and recreation in Latin America: concepts, approaches and possibilities of resignificance. Polis (Santiago), 9(26). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2010-N26-705


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