Leisure, free time and voluntary service in older people

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Many changes are happening at a world scale. Leisure, as social and culture activity does not stay out of this evolution, and at the same time, contributes, from the personal, social economical point of view, to the configuration of certain habits, lifestyle, different ways of understanding leisure and recreational development of new activities. This article proposes the utilization of leisure, free time and voluntary service, within the collectivity of older people, outstanding the importance of their participation on various tasks. This requires a significant dedication of time, knowledge, experience and emotional support, which is not always recognized or appreciated by society. We conclude emphasizing how education, through leisure programs, has modified its conception and is defined trough parameters that refer to autonomy, development, relationship, participation and creativity, also in older people.

Article Details

Inmaculada Montero García
Matías Bedmar Moreno
Montero García, I., & Bedmar Moreno, M. (2018). Leisure, free time and voluntary service in older people. Polis (Santiago), 9(26). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2010-N26-707


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