Babel: Cinema and communication within a globalized world

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Section: Lente de aproximación


In this article is presented a formative proposal using the cinema as a cultural material and as a source of knowledge. A film like Babel offers a good material in order to approach globalization and citizenship education, with propositions that demand a new humanism, a new relationship among people, aware of the communication problems, prejudices and cultural collisions derived from technological development. The film Babel questions the existence in a globalize world where everything is interrelated, for this purpose it brings the old biblical myth of the Tower of Babel emphasising wrong identifications, misunderstandings and failed opportunities, as invisible hands that guide our lives; or where destiny eludes us.Babel enables to understand globalize reality. It also allows us to be almost present in four different places as far as USA, México, Morocco and Japan, not only physically distant. We see the contradiction of miscommunication and isolation due to cultural difference in spite of the fictitious technological proximity. We live together, but isolated from one another.

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Carmen Pereira Domínguez
Jordi Solé Blanch
Luis Fernando Valero Iglesias
Pereira Domínguez, C., Solé Blanch, J., & Valero Iglesias, L. F. (2018). Babel: Cinema and communication within a globalized world. Polis (Santiago), 9(26).


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