To think on subjectivity in the socio-environmental debate

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Initially, the text discusses the significance of the exercise of social philosopher, and also wants to locate the origins of the modern debate about ‘subjectivity’ in social and philosophical thought. The guiding ideas of Kant, are located at the junction and disjunction between reason (knowledge) and subjectivity (moral). From this reference, the debate among some thinkers considered postmodern (Badiou and Zizek), on the one hand, and Castoriadis on the other, whom rejects this nomenclature, new ideas derive about ‘subject’ and ‘truth’. This debate is not without consequences for the sociological theory that takes up the challenge of introducing the category of ‘subject’ in its canons (Touraine). The remarks of Stengers also serve to question and adapt the practices of knowledge production and scientific discourse. Finally, there remain challenges such as to think about theories and socio-environmental practices, in the light of these concepts presented throughout the text.

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Dimas Floriani
José  Edmilson de Souza Lima
José  Julio Nunes Ferreira
Marcelo Stein de Lima Sousa
Floriani, D., de Souza Lima, J. E., Nunes Ferreira, J. J., & Stein de Lima Sousa, M. (2018). To think on subjectivity in the socio-environmental debate. Polis (Santiago), 9(27).


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