The figuration of a new front coast for the city of Posadas

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This paper tackles the figuration process of the New Coast Front of Posadas, Misiones, Argentina, considering semiotic construction of the coast as a discursive object, using a diachronic corpus that gathers urban plans and projects. Figuration is an axe of projected representations and images for the coast bearing in mind the water reservoir on Paraná River formed by Yacyretá dam. Diverse aspects linked to development’s discursive formation are treated in this article, mobilized to implement urban policies that put on scene the problem of articulation between discursive and physics planes of transformation. Besides it is described enunciation device of the figuration process, predominant subject position and its effects of sense.

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María del Rosario Millán
Millán, M. (2018). The figuration of a new front coast for the city of Posadas. Polis (Santiago), 9(27).


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