Excluded identities and forms of political action. The case of the Mapuche hunger strikes: between civil disobedience and political violence

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In this paper we analyze the Mapuche claim as part of ethnic social movements and their inherent relationship to the overall process of globalization, particularly the revitalization of local cultures. We will study the forms of political action from the print media analysis, evaluating how they are represented, and when possible, what the actors themselves (Mapuche) indicate about their forms of expression, that is, self references will be taken on account  and the way the political actor expressess himself about his actions. We also conceptualize and discuss about the Mapuche-state relationship and how their modes of action can be categorized, paradoxical and/or contradictory, in relation to the concepts of political violence and civil disobedience.

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Eduardo Gallegos Krause
Gallegos Krause, E. (2018). Excluded identities and forms of political action. The case of the Mapuche hunger strikes: between civil disobedience and political violence. Polis (Santiago), 10(28). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2011-N28-760


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