Inbetween mobilization and institutionalization. The dilemmas of social movements (Argentina, 2001-2010)

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Argentina’s recent mobilization identifies two stages: pre-2001 crisis and post-crisis. The first stage shows a unique dismissing force, generating a participatory ethos. The second one is characterized by the need to incorporate the institutionalize dimension of politics. The aim of this paper is to discuss the false dichotomy dismissingness/ institutionalization that goes back in a critic way to the division between social and political. The proposal is to analyze the mobilization process and critically evaluate those divisions that marked this belligerent dynamic. The central hypotheses is that the division between social and politics -that goes beyond the argentinean experience- stripped the institutionalizating character of politics, highlighting the dismissing one. The proposal is to think  the institutionalization as a mediator between civil society and political regime in order to recover the potential and complexity of social organizations.

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Ana Natalucci
Natalucci, A. (2018). Inbetween mobilization and institutionalization. The dilemmas of social movements (Argentina, 2001-2010). Polis (Santiago), 10(28).


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