Education, social movements and popular communication: Analysis springing from experiences in Uruguay

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Social movements (SM) are repeated collective actions, of confrontation or institutional overflowing, with expressions more or less organized related to a claim. Sustained actions on claims and demands, which do not identify with the institutions that generate them. The communication from the perspective of the subject becomes a vehicle of the claims. Popular communication strengthens the internal collective action, while, on the other hand, the mass media dismantle the image of the subjects emphasizing their interest in the service of firms, corporations and conglomerates. Some experiences in rural Uruguayan allow us to think: Is it possible that SM are educational spaces and constitute educational subjects? What role does popular communication has inside and outside the SM? How can we deal with the media tthat trivialize and distort the struggle of SM? The study of SM, is it an academic task or an activist task?

Article Details

Pablo  Leandro Díaz
Víctor  Adrián Díaz
Díaz, P. L., & Díaz, V. A. (2018). Education, social movements and popular communication: Analysis springing from experiences in Uruguay. Polis (Santiago), 10(28).


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