From fordist crisis to the crisis of financialization: the centrality of space in the current crisis. Madrid, 1985-2007

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Section: Propuestas y avances de investigación


The incorporation of the space to the central dynamics of the political and economic processes is analyzed in the last quarter of XXth century in Spain, through its relation with the successive crisis, mainly recognized by its economic component. The production of space (transformation and growth) has become one of the key answers to the fordist crisis. This question has finally become a main component in the current crisis of financialization. By way of example, it is used the case of Madrid, because it is considered paradigmatic, since the region has played a leading role as a laboratory for new forms of governance and planning, which has given a centrality to space, with the increase of physical growth, as motor of economic growth and competitiveness in the metropolitan region of Madrid in the context of European and international cities.

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Alexandra Delgado Jiménez
Delgado Jiménez, A. (2018). From fordist crisis to the crisis of financialization: the centrality of space in the current crisis. Madrid, 1985-2007. Polis (Santiago), 10(28).


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