Uruguay: how life changes us

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Section: Propuestas y avances de investigación


The latinamerican political evolution, particularly in the southern cone -Uruguay, Chile and Argentina- in the last 50 years has undergone significant changes, since the time when the democratic formalisms were tested by economic and social crisis ending into political crisis, which usually ended being “solved” by military coups. Once exhausting this instalation, countries have  returned to the democratic system. Today we are surfing inside transitional waves towards democracy. This article presents the evolution of a country, the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, due to certain specific characteristics, being the most visible one the rise to the highest political position, the Nations Presidency,  through elections, of a man who less than 50 years ago was part to the guerrilla warfare.

Article Details

Rodolfo Schmal
Schmal, R. (2018). Uruguay: how life changes us. Polis (Santiago), 10(28). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2011-N28-775


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