Power and values in Weber, Freud and Kelsen in the light of the “new scientific paradigm” and in relation to Latin America

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Section: Propuestas y avances de investigación


This paper will attempt to approach critically a review of the concept of «power» in relation to human values, __from the theories developed by three classic universal teachers of social sciences and psychoanalysis as were Max Weber, Sigmund Freud and Hans Kelsen. Our hypothesis is the claim that the theoretical contributions of these three authors remains valid until present time and enrich the thesis derived from the «new scientific paradigm»with respect to current forms of organization of «power «in networks. Especially in regard to its dual approach about «power»: the analysis of its structures and the origin of the values __that sustains it from its anthropological bases. When concluding, an nalysis is done on the validity of this thinking for Latin America’s modern history.

Article Details

Eda Cleary
Cleary, E. (2018). Power and values in Weber, Freud and Kelsen in the light of the “new scientific paradigm” and in relation to Latin America. Polis (Santiago), 10(29). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2011-N29-794


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