Social representations of municipal associationism in education: a conceptual framework for chilean education

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In the following article we analyze the possibilities of the Social Representations (SR) theory to, from the perspective of the subjects, research on the cognitive elements involved and socially constructed, that support micro and macro institutional management actions and coordination among several municipalities of a common territory; what literature and management refer to as associative work or associationism. There is a specific interest about social representations of  associationism in the field of education, from political-administrative actors and professionals involved in improving local education. It is postulated and substantiated that the study of Social Representations of Municipal Associativism  on Education is relevant from the conceptual elements of the Processual perspective, since the object of representation –the Municipal  Associativism on Education- and the techniques for its analysis are consistent with the implementation strategies of associative work at the various levels of municipal organization in the field of education.

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María  Soledad Erazo Jimenez
Marco Villalta Páucar
Erazo Jimenez, M. S., & Villalta Páucar, M. (2018). Social representations of municipal associationism in education: a conceptual framework for chilean education. Polis (Santiago), 11(31).


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