Exploratory evaluation on sustainability for three socio-ecosystems in the scrub and sclerophyll forest of Central Chile

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On this research, an exploratory evaluation of sustainability was proposed and implemented in three socio-ecosystems located in Sclerophyll Forest and Shrublands (MBE for its initials in Spanish) of central Chile: 1. Los Yuyos (75 has.), Colliguay, V Region; 2. Tantehue (110 has.), Melipilla Province, Metropolitan Region and 3. Panamá (138 has.), Colchagua Province, VI Region. Sustainability was defined as the interaction of three types of sustainabilities: ecological, economical and social. Ecological sustainability was defined as: 1. Relationship between Maximum Sustainable Exploitation and Effective Exploitation, 2. Degree of Wilderness (Machado, 2004) and 3. Degree of Human Intervention (González, 2000). Economic sustainability was defined as: 1. Profitability and 2. Sustainable profitability over time. Social sustainability was defined as: 1. Socioeconomic Status, 2. Generational transfer and 3. Educational level of the family. It was found, in Colliguay, a general scenario of “Sustainability”. However, in Tantehue and Panamá, there was a situation of “unsustainability”. In conclusion, the MBE socio-ecosystems studied in central Chile are in critical situation and conservation efforts are required.

Article Details

Violeta Glaría
Glaría, V. (2018). Exploratory evaluation on sustainability for three socio-ecosystems in the scrub and sclerophyll forest of Central Chile. Polis (Santiago), 12(34). Retrieved from https://polis.ulagos.cl/index.php/polis/article/view/1385


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