A republican simpathy: social instincts and political commitments

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Section: Propuestas y avances de investigación


The following text’s goal is to tackle with the republican project of egalitarian democracy from the point of view of its realizability. The aim is to oppose the optimism that we find in those engaged in civil society movements, to the disillusioned or not sufficiently engaged perspective from certain parts of society, who despite of supporting those claims, are not willing to make the sacrifices that a substantive commitment demands. Re-reading the republican project from sympathy allows us to understand the challenges that a republican political project must face to carry out the social transformations needed.

Article Details

Nicole Darat
Darat, N. (2018). A republican simpathy: social instincts and political commitments. Polis (Santiago), 12(34). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2013-N34-932


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