The construction of collective identity in a national-populist social movement: the case of the Social Patriotic Movement in Chile.

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In this paper we present a characterization of the identity elements of a social movement that recently emerged in Chile, which presents a series of peculiar attributes that escape the conventional logic of studies on collective action. To understand the relationship between the construction of collective identity and the potential populist ideological features present in this movement, a case study was used based on documentary analysis and a series of interviews that allowed us to analyze observable practices. on the actors themselves. We conclude that the existing relationship between the collective identity and the ideological features present in his speech makes us classify the Social Patriotic Movement as a national-populist social movement.

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Felix Aguirre
Aguirre, F., & Morales Hidalgo, I. (2023). The construction of collective identity in a national-populist social movement: the case of the Social Patriotic Movement in Chile. Polis (Santiago), 22(66), 43-76.


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