Enabling Welfare State, Social Solidarity Policy and "Ethical Life" in Latin America

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The Covid-19 pandemic, in Latin America, brings the opportunity for a reconceptualization of a set of social problems, in the light of debates over both, social solidarity policy and universal basic income. This article argues that the above statement forces to reconsider the central characteristics of the Nordic Enabling Welfare State, and its implications in Latin America, especially, in terms of human development and people’s capacities, delving in the relationship between these and the associated social contexts. The article proposes a robust conceptual framework to address this challenge from a sociocultural approach and the critical elaboration of Hegel's social theory, contributing to the intellectual revitalization of social democracy in Latin American debates.

Article Details

L. Iván Valenzuela
Valenzuela, L. I. (2022). Enabling Welfare State, Social Solidarity Policy and "Ethical Life" in Latin America. Polis (Santiago), 21(62). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2022-N62-1743


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