Contrasting Brazil's Neo-developmental Class Coalition with Mexico's Neo-liberal Arrangement (2003 – 2015).

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This article summarizes part of the results of our research on the political and economic dynamics of Brazil and Mexico between 2003 and 2015, comparing progressive-leaning and neoliberal-leaning governments respectively. We characterize the political pact established between the government and social classes in each country during these years, from a critical perspective with emphasis on class-conflict and struggle for hegemony between the ruling classes and popular field. Our conclusions are that a new class coalition could be established during a part of the period in Brazil, taking advantage of a favourable external context, that differed from the neo-liberal arrangement maintained in Mexico. However, those efforts were unable to continue in place once the beneficial scenario ceased to exist.

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Antonino Zunino
Zunino, A. (2022). Contrasting Brazil’s Neo-developmental Class Coalition with Mexico’s Neo-liberal Arrangement (2003 – 2015). Polis (Santiago), 21(61).


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