Commoning the management of the socio-ecological system of the Pampa biome: analysis of a collective of traditional ranchers from Uruguay

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This article aims at analyzing how the use and management of the common resource - the Pampa biome - is carried out in a collective of family ranchers located in the departments of Maldonado and Rocha, in Uruguay. This analysis is possible with theoretical support of Elinor Ostrom's propositions regarding socio-ecological systems. The results point to a high potential for community self-organization and sustainability in the traditional use of natural resources. Collective action ordered between state institutions and organizations of private producers has fostered more efficient arrangements, mainly through the establishment of rules and incentives for the sustainable use of common resources. The case studied refers to a relatively recent group that, nonetheless, demonstrates significant potential and capabilities to solve common problems and develop ways of sustainable use of the natural resources of the socio-ecological system of the Pampa biome.

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Christiane Marques Severo
Alessandra Matte
Marques Severo, C., & Matte, A. (2020). Commoning the management of the socio-ecological system of the Pampa biome: analysis of a collective of traditional ranchers from Uruguay. Polis (Santiago), 19(57).


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