Interjurisdictional public policies implementation difficulties. Santafesinian Free Zone’s (Argentina) creation process analysis

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we propouse analyses federal government systems’ interjurisdictional public policies complexity by the analysis of the Santafesinian Free Zone implementation in Villa Constitución, Santa Fe province, Argentina. We found this process interesting because of its design implied coordination among multiple government actors from the three levels and some private actors too, but particularly due to a series of contingent events that showed up during the Santafesinian Free Zone’s creation process and hindered its quick in place and which increased the original implementation scheme’s complexity. In turn, these events caused the intervention of new actors and generated a row of situations which delay the Santafesinian Free Zone’s implementation, generating as result a long process which demanded almost 26 years. 

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Mauricio Moltó
Moltó, M. (2020). Interjurisdictional public policies implementation difficulties. Santafesinian Free Zone’s (Argentina) creation process analysis. Polis (Santiago), 19(56).


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