Initial Notes for the Construction of a Feminist Political Ecology of and from Latin America

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Political Ecology has become one of the most relevant approaches to ecological-distributive relations in Latin America, generating an intellectual and political current with its own strength. However, its conceptual debates have tended to focus on the class axis, with less development in other axes, such as gender. Considering that environmental disputes have demonstrated differentiated effects and responses between men and women, this article raises the need for a Feminist Political Ecology (EPF) within Latin American Political Ecology. To this end, the origins and trajectory of the EPF in the North and of the ecofeminisms in the South are reviewed and a review of recent work in both hemispheres is presented. In doing so, it seeks to outline some axes of articulation, where the contributions of our region build a critical dialogue and project paths for global EFP.

Article Details

Evelyn Arriagada Oyarzún
Antonia Zambra Álvarez
Arriagada Oyarzún, E., & Zambra Álvarez, A. (2019). Initial Notes for the Construction of a Feminist Political Ecology of and from Latin America. Polis (Santiago), 18(54).


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