Rise and fall of the Chilean binomial system

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Section: Resultados de investigacion


This article seeks to discuss the binominal system by three aspects: its origin, its operation, and its end. In the first place, there is a historical digression that addresses the origin of the binominal system, considering its formulation and the objectives for which it was designed in order to find out whether the binominal system is capable of fulfilling them. In a second stage, the main criticisms made to the operation of the binominal system are explained, and some empirical data are presented which clarify the debate on these criticisms. In a third moment, the alterations made in the Chilean electoral system with the approval of Law nº 20.840 are explained in order to later verify if this new model to be inaugurated in 2017 succeeds in giving corrective answers to the problems previously identified in the functioning of the binominal system towards Chilean democracy.

Article Details

Marcelo Borel
Borel, M. (2019). Rise and fall of the Chilean binomial system. Polis (Santiago), 18(54). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2019-N54-1404


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