Social perceptionsontheright to autonomyforindigenouspeople’s in Chile

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This paper addresses the social attitudes regarding the right to autonomy of indigenous peoples in Chile. Based on a public opinion study of the Center of Intercultural and Indigenous Research (CIIR), the conclusion reached is that demand for autonomy tends to be more relevant among people who identify themselves as indigenous, young people, with low educational levels, living in urban areas, left-wing, and from the center and northern areas of the country. Unlike other studies that study tolerance or acceptance of ethnic diversity, this study explores the profile of those who side with/reject indigenous autonomy, suggesting that not always greater levels of education are linked to higher support for indigenous autonomy. Moreover, we assert that the demands for autonomy are not necessarily linked to those inhabitants of conflict areas.

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Juan Esteban Fernández
Claudio Fuentes
Fernández, J. E., & Fuentes, C. (2018). Social perceptionsontheright to autonomyforindigenouspeople’s in Chile. Polis (Santiago), 17(49).


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