The new settlements movement in Chile: the social movement displaced

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The following paper consists in a bibliographic review focused on the defense of two thesis considered relevant for the settlements movement, which have been part of the last decade’s discussions. These thesis have been questioned by a significant number of authors, to the point that it seems settlements disappeared as historical subjects and, thus, as academic subject for the study of contemporary phenomena. The first one is that settlements movement should be considered as a social movement. The second is that settlements movement maintains a historical continuity until nowadays, with transformations that enable to talk about the new settlements movement. The objective of this paper is to strengthen an investigation program for this movement, which have been recently retaken by some authors, but still constitute incipient efforts to reposition the settlements in the academic debate.

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José Herrera
Herrera, J. (2018). The new settlements movement in Chile: the social movement displaced. Polis (Santiago), 17(49).


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