Agrarian reform and peasant mobilization in Chile (1967-1973) and Peru (1969-1976)

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This article compares two experiences of agrarian reforms that took place in Chile in the period 1967-1973 and in Peru between 1969 and 1976. In both, the creation of new forms of collective ownership and broad peasant participation were promoted. In addition, agrarian reform led to a change in the tenure system, altered the power structure and benefited to a significant portion of the rural population. However, while in Chile the reform was promoted in a democratic context, in Peru it was promoted under an authoritarian regime controlled by the military forces. Based on the method of difference and similarity, we identify the common phenomena that allow us to understand the reasons why, in both Chile and Peru, agrarian reforms obtained similar results.

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Octavio Avendaño.
Avendaño., O. (2018). Agrarian reform and peasant mobilization in Chile (1967-1973) and Peru (1969-1976). Polis (Santiago), 16(47).


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