A true agrarian revolution with and from Matria. The organization of Zapatista women, Chiapas

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The current territorial agrarian configuration in Mexico requires elaborating a reading that contemplates the experience of Mexican agrarian reform - ratified in the Constitution of 1917 - in those spaces-times such as the Mexican Southeast, where the distribution of land remained unfinished for both peasants and native peoples. The objective is to reflect on those events built from the power of the living force of native peoples, as well as from collective singularities, which, when faced with the challenge of reconfiguring and reframing the rural territory, are geo-graphing an expression of new territorialities that weave post-patriarchal societal forms. We approach the collective narratives of women, which will allow us to unravel the “linear history-look” to elaborate a “rhizomatic history-look” that makes possible the hypothesis of the presence of a “woven history-look” as a safeguard of “resistance worlds” and for the reconstitution of Matria, an expression of life with and from Mother Earth.

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Diana Itzu Gutiérrez Luna
Gutiérrez Luna, D. I. (2018). A true agrarian revolution with and from Matria. The organization of Zapatista women, Chiapas. Polis (Santiago), 16(47). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2017-N47-1253


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