Large estate and territory: reflections about the agrarian reform in Colchagua, 1960-1973.

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Agrarian Reform has been understood as a process of productive transformation, standing out from historiography as the turning point in the disappearance of the large estates (latifundio). However, reflecting about this process from the concept of territory underlines the need to confront its interpretation from another perspective. To do so, the approach is to study the Agrarian Reform as a conflict coming from a historical hegemonic appropriation of natural resources, proposing a distinction between hacienda and latifundio. Likewise, it intends to discuss the current situation of the latifundio, since the process of Agrarian Reform has only been the end of the hacienda and not the end of large property.

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Jorge Olea Peñaloza
Olea Peñaloza, J. (2018). Large estate and territory: reflections about the agrarian reform in Colchagua, 1960-1973. Polis (Santiago), 16(47).


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