The cuban agrarian matter, successes and failures in the period 1975-2013: the need for a third agrarian reform.

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The present paper studies the main transformations introduced in the Cuban economy in the period from 1975 to 2013, with emphasis on the Third Agrarian Reform implemented since 1993, which meant the transition to a new agrarian model, whose main objective would be to solve the problem of food sovereignty. This new agrarian reform reconfigures once more the form of land tenure in Cuba, with 54% of the land currently owned by the state and the remaining 46% being non-state owned. Thus, the main objective of this work is to analyze, describe and explain the need to carry out the third agrarian reform, based on the problems related to the Cuban agrarian question, its main successes and failures in the period analyzed. To facilitate the analysis we will establish a periodization of the historical process that we will use as a guide in our exhibition. The first period covers from 1975 to 1990, period in which the country is institutionalized, CPAs (Agricultural Production Cooperatives) are raised and the development of the sugar industry is prioritized. The second period goes from 1991 to present days, in which a set of measures are taken to counteract the negative effects on the Cuban economy and society resulting from the disappearance of the socialist block. Standing out the Third Agrarian Reform of 1993, as the main measure taken by the Revolution.

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Tatiana Wonsik Recompensa Joseph
Lázaro Camilo Recompensa Joseph
Wonsik Recompensa Joseph, T., & Recompensa Joseph, L. C. (2018). The cuban agrarian matter, successes and failures in the period 1975-2013: the need for a third agrarian reform. Polis (Santiago), 16(47).


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