Reciprocity and work in social technology of a popular urban economy

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This article presents the results of a study that sought to answer the following question: What are the characteristics of the relationships of reciprocity and of the division of labor that are present in the social technologies of economic organizations that carry out self-managed associative venture work? The search for answers was performed through fieldwork from the year 2013 to 2015, with 56 economic organizations that use Estados Unidos Street in the district of Huechuraba in the Metropolitan Region of Chile, to create a market. The study showed that social technology is based on cohabitation, and on ethics composed by the following values: freedom, transformation of things into cash and the obligation to assist the person who is in need.

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Nicolás Gómez Núñez
Gómez Núñez, N. (2018). Reciprocity and work in social technology of a popular urban economy. Polis (Santiago), 16(47).


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