Epistemic analysis of socio-economics as an intersected discipline

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The paper presents some elements that suggest conceiving socio-economics as an inter-discipline. For this, the epistemic problem of socio-economics is addressed from two perspectives: analytical (internalist) and historical (externalist). From the first one, it states that the socioeconomics could be defined as an intersected epistemic field, and argues the advantages of this approach regarding the multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary ways. From the second perspective, the historical factors for the emergence of socioeconomics are discussed. Analytically, it is postulated that the socioeconomics intersected approach allows overcoming the epistemic inadequacy of each discipline separately, while historically it clarifies the imperialist pretensions of sociology and economics, suggesting it is due to a misunderstanding of the disciplinary role of political science in social analysis.

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Carlos Medina Labayru
Jorge Gibert Galassi.
Medina Labayru, C., & Gibert Galassi., J. (2018). Epistemic analysis of socio-economics as an intersected discipline. Polis (Santiago), 16(47). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2017-N47-1260


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