Beyond uncertainty: the unthinkable

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Section: Bosquejos para una nueva episteme


This essay argues that the combined effects of the radical changes that affect the direction of history compromise our ability to recognize patterns existing in both past and future, thereby reducing the chances of anticipating and leading us to the possibility of the unthinkable. Against this, the author proposes to help imagination, and put the "inconceivability" in the center of future considerations.

Article Details

Yehezkel Dror

Author Biography

Yehezkel Dror

Profesor del Departamento de Ciencia Política de la Universidad Hebrea, Jerusalén, Israel. El presente texto fue extraído de Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Elsevier Science Inc. New York,1999.

Dror, Y. (2018). Beyond uncertainty: the unthinkable. Polis (Santiago), (2).


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