Universities and “Agenda 21”: the example of the University of Lüneburg

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This article describes the impact on universities given by the momentum given by the Conference on "Environment and Development" in Rio de Janeiro on the year 1992, which incorporated a chapter on the role of "Science for Sustainable Development". After this, the first attempt to incorporate this issue was undertaken by the European Conference of University Presidents (CRE) through the COPERNICUS program, which became for over 300 European universities the basis for a sustainable university policy. The article exemplifies this process at the University of Lüneburg.

Article Details

Gerd Michelsen

Author Biography

Gerd Michelsen

Director del Instituto de Comunicación Ambiental de la Universidad de Lüneburg.

Michelsen, G. (2018). Universities and “Agenda 21”: the example of the University of Lüneburg. Polis (Santiago), (5). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2003-N5-227


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