Whats the specificity in the communication about environmental issues?

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Section: Lente de aproximación


The author postulates that communication on environmental issues and sustainability will only be successful when it is institutionalized. He further states that it should be linked to the model of "sustainability", for which its speeches should be placed in the context of Sustainable Development, and that, beyond the transmission of information, it requires a discussion of unresolved problems and the dangers that are at stake. Finally ensures that communication on environmental issues is an opportunity for citizenship participation.

Article Details

Gerd Michelsen

Author Biography

Gerd Michelsen

Director del Instituto de Comunicación Ambiental de la Universidad de Lüneburg.

Michelsen, G. (2018). Whats the specificity in the communication about environmental issues?. Polis (Santiago), (5). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2003-N5-230


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