An analytical view of gender on Public Policies on the reality of women of Hualqui, Bío Bío’s Region

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Section: Propuestas y avances de investigación


This paper seeks to understand and identify the policies that guide institutional activities in two broad areas, participation of women and domestic violence issues, areas prioritized by women members of the respective communities. The study assumes a gender perspective, and aims to identify the degree of legitimacy of such national social policies, and identifies levels of involvement of women in these social policies. In its conclusions, are observed various limitations in the implementation of these policies.

Article Details

Gina Inostroza R.
Nancy Riffo P.

Author Biographies

Gina Inostroza R.

Profesora de Historia y Geografía, Magister en Historia, Universidad de Concepción; Diplomada “Género, Desarrollo y Planificación” Universidad de Chile, encargada del Area Desarrollo de la Ciudadanía de las Mujeres del Instituto de la Mujer de Concepción (ONG)

Nancy Riffo P.

Psicóloga Universidad de Concepción, Diplomada “Género, Desarrollo y Planificación” Universidad de Chile, encargada del Area Violencia Doméstica y Sexual del Instituto de la Mujer de Concepción

Inostroza R., G., & Riffo P., N. (2018). An analytical view of gender on Public Policies on the reality of women of Hualqui, Bío Bío’s Region. Polis (Santiago), (5).


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