Local place, globalization and local management

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The author argues that the local place and globalization -the two major ongoing trends in which the text deepens- respond to technological changes and demand the adoption of innovative processes and structures. Against the prevailing tecnosystem, the author proposes a new humanist culture; and on the face of the negative trends of globalization proposes a new action from the local places that can nurture freedom, responsibility, participation, diversity and pluralism, and the emergence of a freer new citizenship, more responsible and more involved in the public processes.

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Francisco González Cruz

Author Biography

Francisco González Cruz

Geógrafo. Rector de la Universidad Valle del Momboy

González Cruz, F. (2018). Local place, globalization and local management. Polis (Santiago), (7). https://doi.org/10.32735/S0718-6568/2004-N7-268


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